1 Hour



Gastric balloon

Many people suffer from obesity (obesity) – and completely repeated attempts so far to give up sugar and convert diet despite regular exercise. Regardless of appearance, your own quality of life is always affected. As the Antalya Health Tour in Antalya, we would like to offer you various options on how to regain control of your life and well-being with the help of a surgical intervention – just contact us!

One of restrictive gastric surgery techniques we provide to our patients in Turkey is the gastric balloon. The gastric balloon is an oval capsule that you swallow or with gastroscopy (gastroscopy). It can be used by a specialist. It is then filled with a suitable substance. As a rule, it is a mixture of gas or air or a salt solution. Since a stomach balloon is a small operation that takes only about 30 minutes, you can stop our practice on the same day. To avoid risks, gastric balloon will be removed by your experts in Turkey after approximately 3-6 months. This is especially necessary because irritation of the gastric mucosa may otherwise cause nausea, abdominal pain and vomiting.

The cost of placing a stomach balloon is individual and depends on different factors. If you are interested, you can contact us!


Advantages and requirements for a stomach balloon

In Turkey, there are several requirements for the use of a gastric balloon: other things as well, from a medical point must be suffering from obesity – that is, at least 40 body mass index (BMI) (40 kg / m respectively) 2) own. Or, 35 BMI combined with serious health restrictions. Also, according to the law, you must be of legal age and therefore you must have reached the age of 18. Other factors include the exclusion of mental illness, drug and alcohol use, and the age limit of 65.

But by then, you should inform yourself in advance about the course of treatment, possible risks and side effects, and the change in your previous life. Of course, we would be happy if our Antalya Health Tour Expert Team in Antalya can advise you in detail in this context!


What are the advantages of the stomach balloon?

Thanks to the balloon placed in the stomach, a faster feeling of satiety (through balloon contact with gastric sensors) is reported to the body, so this restrictive method of treatment can be seen as a kind of supportive measure for changing the diet. Due to the quick start, you can leave practice on the same day and adapt your life to new conditions step by step. In addition, complications rarely occur when a gastric balloon is placed. Also, there are no anatomical changes with this procedure! In addition, the capsule is removed again after a certain period of time.



Do not leave your health to chance…

There are many reasons to choose us to have a natural appearance that is compatible with your body, such as our experienced and expert doctors and our methods that offer a smooth and comfortable operation process.


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  ⇒ Specialist Doctors

We are at your service with our expert physicians who have a say in the field of aesthetic surgery and medical surgery, have developed many methods and have created many innovations with their applications!


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