2 – 3 Hours

4 Days

2 Days

Transit Bipartition

Some patients suffering from morbid obesity (lubrication) in addition to a patient suffering from type 2 diabetes (diabetes). Both clinical pictures belong to multiple chronic metabolic diseases – fat metabolism disorders also fall into this category. As a result, the whole body suffers from this effect: starting with the individual organs, the joints that have to carry the entire load, in this context, the souls that should never be ignored! As a result, obese people are often excluded from society, find weak links or find a job, and rarely escape from this endless hamster wheel without professional help.


Metabolic surgery – what is it?

Metabolic surgery is a surgical intervention on an anatomically functional normal organ system or organ in order to have a positive effect on health through certain biological metabolic processes. Obesity surgery is also part of metabolic surgery – especially very effective in losing weight. Along with a secondary disease (including diabetes), such an intervention also leads to the promotion and promotion of the disease. This means that these stomach surgeries primarily serve to regulate the metabolism, which can significantly improve the quality of life and prolong life expectancy.

We want to help you get your life back on the road in Antalya. with the help of metabolic surgery, especially as a transit bipartisyo Santoro’s, and we want to help you ensure you get all of our medical staff and enjoy life in stable health as well as Turkey. Just talk to us!


Your stomach surgery to treat diabetes in Turkey

In addition to duodenojejunal bypass and ileum interposition, transit is part of two-part metabolic obesity surgery. The focus is on the treatment of patients who have to deal with a serious chronic clinical picture, such as type 2 diabetic mellitus. From a medical point of view, this procedure is obtained many positive effects and patients are extremely pleased with the results in Turkey. Have any questions? – No problem. We will be happy to help you!


Transit Bipartition

Transit Bipartition implies roughly “intestinal cleavage” – a procedure in which the gut is effectively directed. Initially, gastrointestinal surgery is performed. In the next step, a connection is made between the lower small intestine and the lower part of the stomach. For this purpose, the small intestine close to the large intestine (about 80-200 cm of the proximal) is cut and divided into two parts. Then the upper end from the stomach is attached to the large intestine. Since each body is individual, the respective distance varies from patient to patient.

Due to the bowel division of the intestine, food can pass through the normal way (~ 1/3) through the gastric passage, duodenum and small intestine, or directly reach the lower end of the small intestine (~ 2/3). Here, hormonal mechanisms are activated, which leads to both an early sense of satiety and an accelerated improvement of the metabolic state in the body. Since the food is digested normally, there is no malabsorption in this new process!



Do not leave your health to chance…

There are many reasons to choose us to have a natural appearance that is compatible with your body, such as our experienced and expert doctors and our methods that offer a smooth and comfortable operation process.


  ⇒ Modern Clinic

Our clinics, one of Europe’s most distinguished medical centers, are equipped with the latest technological devices and have a fully equipped medical infrastructure. All features that will ensure our patients’ comfort are considered in order to make them feel comfortable, safe and happy.


  ⇒ Specialist Doctors

We are at your service with our expert physicians who have a say in the field of aesthetic surgery and medical surgery, have developed many methods and have created many innovations with their applications!


  ⇒ Exclusive Service

Our clinics are known for personalized service that offers worldwide service, has technology and comfort that meets all kinds of patients’ needs. Regardless of the procedure or operation, we offer comprehensive support


  ⇒ Patient Satisfaction

Our focus is to meet the expectations of our patients with the services we offer. Our 100% patient satisfaction rate is one of our greatest sources of pride.